The Case for Reduction
Ed. by
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Jakob Schillinger
Jakob Schillinger
Cultural Inquiry, 25
Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022
ISBN 978-3-96558-039-8 | Hardcover | 30 EUR | vi, 318 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-040-4 | Paperback | 16 EUR | vi, 318 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-041-1 | PDF | Open Access | 4.5 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-042-8 | EPUB | Open Access | 4.8 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-040-4 | Paperback | 16 EUR | vi, 318 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-041-1 | PDF | Open Access | 4.5 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-042-8 | EPUB | Open Access | 4.8 MB
Critical discourse hardly knows a more devastating charge against theories, technologies, or structures than that of being reductive. Yet, expansion and growth cannot fare any better today. This volume suspends anti-reductionist reflexes to focus on the experiences and practices of different kinds of reduction, their generative potentials, ethics, and politics. Can their violences be contained and their benefits transported to other contexts?
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Book Presentation and Discussion: The Case for Reduction, ICI Berlin, 28 Oct 2022 |
Part of Cultural Inquiry |
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The Case for Reduction
Editor(s) |
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Jakob Schillinger
Identifier | |
Description |
Critical discourse hardly knows a more devastating charge against theories, technologies, or structures than that of being reductive. Yet, expansion and growth cannot fare any better today. This volume suspends anti-reductionist reflexes to focus on the experiences and practices of different kinds of reduction, their generative potentials, ethics, and politics. Can their violences be contained and their benefits transported to other contexts?
Is Part Of | |
Place |
Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
11 October 2022
Number in Series |
Subject |
History of knowledge
Interdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge
Cultural studies
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Language |
number of pages |
vi, 318
Table Of Contents |
The Case and the Signifier: Generalization in Freud’s Rat Man | IRACEMA DULLEY | 13–37
Haptic Reductions: A Sceptic’s Guide for Responding to the Touch of Crisis | RACHEL AUMILLER | 39–61
Disalienation and Structuralism: Fanon with Lévi-Strauss | CHRISTOPHER CHAMBERLIN | 61–89
Black Box Allegories of Gulf Futurism: The Irreducible Other of Computational Capital | ÖZGÜN EYLÜL İŞCEN | 91–115
Lines that Reduce: Biography, Palms, Borders | SAM DOLBEAR | 117–33
Post-anti-identitarianism: The Forms of Contemporary Gender and Sexuality | BEN NICHOLS | 135–53
Nothing Beyond the Name: Towards an Eclipse of Listening in the Psychotherapeutic Enterprise | SARATH JAKKA | 155–73
Reduction in Computer Music: Bodies, Temporalities, and Generative Computation | FEDERICA BUONGIORNO | 175–90
Reduction in Time: Kinaesthetic and Traumatic Experiences of the Present in Literary Texts | ALBERICA BAZZONI | 191–212
Seeking Home: Vignettes of Homes and Homing | AMINA ELHALAWANI | 213–26
Law Is Other Wor(l)ds | XENIA CHIARAMONTE | 227–50
White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy | BEN NICHOLS | 263–65
Proust List Impulse | SAM DOLBEAR | 267–70
A List of Fears: Eva Kot’átková’s Asylum | CLAUDIA PEPPEL | 271–76
How to Bake X Cake: Notes on the Recipe | IRACEMA DULLEY | 277–79
Walking Away, Walking in Circles, Writing Lists | RACHEL AUMILLER | 281–83
has manifestation |
ISBN 978-3-96558-039-8 | Hardcover | 30 EUR | vi, 318 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-040-4 | Paperback | 16 EUR | vi, 318 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-041-1 | PDF | Open Access | 4.5 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-042-8 | EPUB | Open Access | 4.8 MB
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