

Ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010
ISBN 978-3-85132-616-1 | Paperback | 32 EUR | 294 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
Tension appears in many contexts and carries diverse meanings. It tends to be viewed as something to be avoided and reduced in politics; to be explained, worked through, and resolved in therapy or science; to be endured and sustained in modern art; or to be sought after and enjoyed in popular culture. This volume brings together contributions from several academic and artistic fields in order to question the self-evidence of the deceptively simple term ‘tension’ and explore the possibility of productive transfers among different forms und understandings of tension. Refusing the temptation of a stabilizing synthesis, it establishes a dense web of approaches, providing a new critical paradigm for further inquiry.

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Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Tension appears in many contexts and carries diverse meanings. It tends to be viewed as something to be avoided and reduced in politics; to be explained, worked through, and resolved in therapy or science; to be endured and sustained in modern art; or to be sought after and enjoyed in popular culture. This volume brings together contributions from several academic and artistic fields in order to question the self-evidence of the deceptively simple term ‘tension’ and explore the possibility of productive transfers among different forms und understandings of tension. Refusing the temptation of a stabilizing synthesis, it establishes a dense web of approaches, providing a new critical paradigm for further inquiry.
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Turia + Kant
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tension (aesthetics)
tension (politics)
tension (physics)
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Bibliographic Citation
Tension/​Spannung, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 1 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010) <>
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has manifestation
ISBN 978-3-85132-616-1 | Paperback | 32 EUR | 294 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
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Preface / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Tension In/Between Aesthetics, Politics, and Physics / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Tension and Narrative: Autobiographies of Illness and Therapeutic Legitimacy in Eighteenth-Century French and English Medical Works / Sabine Arnaud
Oblique Gazes: The Je Ne Sais Quoiand the Uncanny as Forms of Undecidability in Post-Enlightenment Aesthetics / Fabio Camilletti
Strategies of Tension: A. Boissier’s Les amants électrisés par l’amour(1797) / Rupert Gaderer
Kleist’s Puppet Theatre and the Art of Tango: Looking for the Back Door to Paradise / Laura Taler
ici uniglory, 2009: Installation. Ink, paper, images & text / Laura Taler
Disappear Here: Adventures in Subconscious Narrative Filmmaking / Siouxzi Mernagh
Tension on Tension: Some Considerations that Might Help to Produce an Increasingly Precise Understanding of a Problem which Has No Specific Object / Bruno Besana
On Social Forces: Tension as a Metaphor and the Image of Society / Jean Terrier
The Topoi of Utopia: A Topology of Political Tensions / Martin Doll
Desiring Tension: Towards a Queer Politics of Paradox / Antke Engel
The Violence of Form: Philosophical Remarks on Mazen Kerbaj’s Sound Piece Starry Night / Ozren Pupovac
Selected Bibliography