
The Scandal of Self-Contradiction

Pasolini’s Multistable Subjectivities, Geographies, Traditions
Ed. by Luca Di Blasi
Manuele Gragnolati
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2012
ISBN (Paperback): 978-3-85132-681-9 | 32 EUR | 327 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) was both a writer and filmmaker deeply rooted in European culture, as well as an intellectual who moved between different traditions, identities and positions. Early on he looked to Africa and Asia for possible alternatives to the hegemony of Western Neocapitalism and Consumerism, and in his hands the Greek and Judeo-Christian Classics morphed into unsettling multistable figures constantly shifting between West and East, North and South, the present and the past, rationality and myth, identity and otherness. The contributions in this volume, which belong to different intellectual and disciplinary fields, are bound together by a fascination for Pasolini’s ability to recognize contradictions, to intensify and multiply them, as well as to make them aesthetically and politically productive. What emerges is a ‘euro-eccentric’ and multifaceted Pasolini of great interest for the present.

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The Scandal of Self-Contradiction
Pasolini’s Multistable Subjectivities, Geographies, Traditions
Luca Di Blasi
Manuele Gragnolati
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) was both a writer and filmmaker deeply rooted in European culture, as well as an intellectual who moved between different traditions, identities and positions. Early on he looked to Africa and Asia for possible alternatives to the hegemony of Western Neocapitalism and Consumerism, and in his hands the Greek and Judeo-Christian Classics morphed into unsettling multistable figures constantly shifting between West and East, North and South, the present and the past, rationality and myth, identity and otherness. The contributions in this volume, which belong to different intellectual and disciplinary fields, are bound together by a fascination for Pasolini’s ability to recognize contradictions, to intensify and multiply them, as well as to make them aesthetically and politically productive. What emerges is a ‘euro-eccentric’ and multifaceted Pasolini of great interest for the present.
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Turia + Kant
Number in Series
Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Beyond Europe: Pasolini and the Western Heritage (Conference, German-Italian Centre for European Excellence, 2011)
classical antiquity
Greek myths
afterlife (literary)
critique of capitalism
Eurocentrism, critique of
Europe, founding myth
contradictory thinking
multistable figures
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Bibliographic Citation
The Scandal of Self-Contradiction: Pasolini’s Multistable Subjectivities, Geographies, Traditions, ed. by Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, and Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 6 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2012) <>
number of pages
has manifestation
ISBN (Paperback): 978-3-85132-681-9 | 32 EUR | 327 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
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Frontmatter / Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Introduction / Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, Christoph F. E. Holzhey
‘La vera Diversità’: Multistability, Circularity, and Abjection in Pasolini’s Pilade / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Pasolini as Jew: Between Israel and Europe / Robert S. C. Gordon
Pier Paolo Pasolini and Pan-Meridional Italianness / Giovanna Trento
The Body of the Actor: Notes on the Relationship between the Body and Acting in Pasolini’s Cinema / Agnese Grieco
The Guest: Transfiguring Indifference in Teorema / Claudia Peppel
Analogy and Difference: Multistable Figures in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Appunti per un’Orestiade Africana / Manuele Gragnolati
Pasolini and India: De- and Re-Construction of a Myth / Silvia Mazzini
Outside Italy: Pasolini’s Transnational Visions of the Sacred and Tradition / Francesca Cadel
Reconciliation and Stark Incompatibility: Pasolini’s ‘Africa’ and Greek Tragedy / Bernhard Gross
One Divided by Another: Split and Conversion in Pasolini’s San Paolo / Luca Di Blasi
Alain Badiou’s Pasolini: The Problem of Subtractive Universalism / Bruno Besana
Figura lacrima / Hervé Joubert-Laurencin
Cinematographic Aesthetics as Subversion of Moral Reason in Pasolini’s Medea / Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Destruction, Negation, Subtraction / Alain Badiou
Bandung Man / L’uomo di Bandung / Pier Paolo Pasolini
mythisnow — pasoliniandeuropetoday / Joulia Strauss
Backmatter / Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, Christoph F. E. Holzhey