
Multistable Figures

On the Critical Potential of Ir/Reversible Aspect-Seeing
Ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2014
ISBN (Paperback): 978-3-85132-734-2 | 29 EUR | 266 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
Multistable figures offer an intriguing model for arbitrating conflicting positions. Moving back and forth between the different aspects under which something can be seen, one recognizes that mutually contradictory descriptions can be equally valid and that disputes over the correct account can be resolved without dissolving differences or establishing a higher synthesis. Yet, the experience of a gestalt switch also offers a model for radical conversions and revolutions – that is, for irreversible leaps to incommensurable alternatives foiling ideals of rational choice while providing the possibility and necessity of decision. Accentuating the temporal dimensions of multistable figures, this multidisciplinary volume illuminates the critical potentials and limits of multistability as a complex figure of thought.

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Multistable Figures
On the Critical Potential of Ir/Reversible Aspect-Seeing
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Multistable figures offer an intriguing model for arbitrating conflicting positions. Moving back and forth between the different aspects under which something can be seen, one recognizes that mutually contradictory descriptions can be equally valid and that disputes over the correct account can be resolved without dissolving differences or establishing a higher synthesis. Yet, the experience of a gestalt switch also offers a model for radical conversions and revolutions – that is, for irreversible leaps to incommensurable alternatives foiling ideals of rational choice while providing the possibility and necessity of decision. Accentuating the temporal dimensions of multistable figures, this multidisciplinary volume illuminates the critical potentials and limits of multistability as a complex figure of thought.
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Turia + Kant
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aspect seeing
critical thinking
figure of thought
knowledge, theory of: multistable figures
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Bibliographic Citation
Multistable Figures: On the Critical Potential of Ir/Reversible Aspect-Seeing, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 8 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2014) <>
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has manifestation
ISBN (Paperback): 978-3-85132-734-2 | 29 EUR | 266 pp. | 24 cm x 16 cm
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Blurb / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Frontmatter / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Introduction / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
KippCity / Christine Hentschel
Aspects and Abstracta / B. Madison Mount
Splitting Images: Understanding Irreversible Fractures through Aspect Change / Luca Di Blasi
The Munchausen Effect: Subjectivity and Ideology / Pascale Gillot
Cognition and Volition: Two Aspects of the Human in the Age of Experimental Systems / Benjamin Dawson
Identity Politics Redux / K. Heintzman
Multiple Temporalities of the Partisan Struggle: From Post-Yugoslav Nationalist Reconciliation Back to Partisan Poetry / Gal Kirn
Figuring Ambivalence, Capturing the Political: An Everyday Perspective / Brigitte Bargetz
Oscillations and Incommensurable Decisions: On the Multistable Use of Multistable Figures / Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Backmatter / Christoph F. E. Holzhey