Going Astray, Being Adrift, Coming to Nothing
Ed. by
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Arnd Wedemeyer
Arnd Wedemeyer
Cultural Inquiry, 24
Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022
ISBN 978-3-96558-035-0 | Hardcover | 29 EUR | vi, 260 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-036-7 | Paperback | 14 EUR | vi, 260 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-037-4 | PDF | Open Access | 4 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-038-1 | EPUB | Open Access | 4 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-036-7 | Paperback | 14 EUR | vi, 260 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-037-4 | PDF | Open Access | 4 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-038-1 | EPUB | Open Access | 4 MB
Today’s critical discourses and theorizing vanguards agree on the importance of getting lost, of failure, of erring — as do life coaches and business gurus. The taste for a departure from progress and other teleologies, the fascination with disorder, unfocused modes of attention, or improvisational performances cut across wide swaths of scholarly and activist discourses, practices in the arts, but also in business, warfare, and politics. Yet often the laudible failures are only those that are redeemed by subsequent successes. What could it mean to think errancy beyond such restrictions? And what would a radical critique of productivity, success, and fixed determination look like that doesn’t collapse into the infamous ‘I would prefer not to’? This volume looks for an answer in the complicated word field branching and stretching from the Latin errāre. Its contributions explore the implications of embracing error, randomness, failure, non-teleological temporalities across different disciplines, discourses, and practices, with critical attention to the ambivalences such an impossible embrace generates.
Part of Cultural Inquiry |
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Subtitle |
Going Astray, Being Adrift, Coming to Nothing
Editor(s) |
Christoph F. E. Holzhey
Arnd Wedemeyer
Identifier | |
Description |
Today’s critical discourses and theorizing vanguards agree on the importance of getting lost, of failure, of erring — as do life coaches and business gurus. The taste for a departure from progress and other teleologies, the fascination with disorder, unfocused modes of attention, or improvisational performances cut across wide swaths of scholarly and activist discourses, practices in the arts, but also in business, warfare, and politics. Yet often the laudible failures are only those that are redeemed by subsequent successes. What could it mean to think errancy beyond such restrictions? And what would a radical critique of productivity, success, and fixed determination look like that doesn’t collapse into the infamous ‘I would prefer not to’? This volume looks for an answer in the complicated word field branching and stretching from the Latin errāre. Its contributions explore the implications of embracing error, randomness, failure, non-teleological temporalities across different disciplines, discourses, and practices, with critical attention to the ambivalences such an impossible embrace generates.
Is Part Of | |
Place |
Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
20 September 2022
Number in Series |
Subject |
Fragmentation (Philosophy) in literature
Failure (Psychology) in art
radical indifference
Weak resistance
Jewish diaspora
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Language |
number of pages |
vi, 260
Table Of Contents |
‘Submit Your References’: Introduction | ARND WEDEMEYER | 1–18
The Punakawans Make an Untimely Appearance: In Praise of Caves, Shadows, and Fire (or A Response to Plato’s Doctrine of Truth) | PRECIOSA DE JOYA | 19–47
The Animal That Laughs at Itself: False False Alarms about the End of ‘Man’ | JAMES BURTON | 49–74
Not Yet: Duration as Detour in Emmanuelle Demoris’s Mafrouza Cycle | ROSA BAROTSI | 75–92
Incomplete and Self-Dismantling Structures: The Built Space, the Text, the Body | ANTONIO CASTORE | 93–112
Camera Fog; or, The Pendulum of Austerity in Contemporary Portugal | MARIA JOSÉ DE ABREU | 113–40
Rinko Kawauchi: Imperfect Photographs | CLARA MASNATTA | 141–58
Inbuilt Errans: What Is and Is Not ‘Radical Indifference’ | ZAIRONG XIANG | 159–75
Errant Counterpublics: ‘Solidarność’ and the Politics of the Weak | EWA MAJEWSKA | 177–99
‘The Exile from the Law’: Keeping and Transgressing the Limits in Jewish Law | FEDERICO DAL BO | 201–31
has manifestation |
ISBN 978-3-96558-035-0 | Hardcover | 29 EUR | vi, 260 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-036-7 | Paperback | 14 EUR | vi, 260 pp. | 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
ISBN 978-3-96558-037-4 | PDF | Open Access | 4 MB
ISBN 978-3-96558-038-1 | EPUB | Open Access | 4 MB
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