Cultural Inquiry
ICI Berlin ↗︎
Cover design: Studio Bens
The Reactivation of Time
From Re- to Pre- /
I. Uncovering the Historical Past, Performing the Political Present
Reenacted Double /
Operative Reenactment /
Ryan & Saunders Collection
Insistence /
‘Interrupting the Present’ /
Resounding Difficult Histories /
Archival Diffractions /
Archival Reenactment /
II. Aesthetic Forms of Rehabilitation
Unintentional Reenactments /
Everyday Aesthetics /
Speculative Writing /
Reenactment in Theatre /
Re-programmed Art /
In the Beginning /
Performance Art in the 1990s /
III. Resistance and Reconciliation in the Museum
Re-Presenting Art History /
Reconciling Authenticity and Reenactment /
Unfold Nan Hoover /
Living Simulacrum /
‘Repetition: Summer Display /
‘Political-Timing-Specific’ Performance Art /
Gathering Experience /
Notes on the Contributors
Abad, Pio
Abel, Marco
Aboul Gheit, Ahmed
Abramović, Marina
Acconci, Vito
Agamben, Giorgio
[3 n. 12]
Aguiar, Fernando
Albers, Anni
Albers, Josef
Albright, Madeleine
Anceschi, Giovanni
[4 n. 3]
[5 n. 5]
Anguissola, Anna
Anuszkiewicz, Richard
Araújo, Vasco
Ardant, Fanny
Arslan, Thomas
Artaud, Antonin
Asawa, Ruth
Austin, J. L.
Baghramian, Nairy
Baj, Enrico
Balestrini, Nanni
Balla, Giacomo
Bancroft, George
Bann, Stephen
Barante, Prosper de
Barbosa, Manoel
Bargu, Banu
Bataille, Georges
Becker, Howard
Benjamin, Walter
[4 n. 36]
[7 n. 1]
[13 n. 2]
Benzien, Jeffrey
Berg Holbek, Petra
Berio, Luciano
Bester, Rory
[3 n. 25]
Beuys, Joseph
Bishop, Claire
Blanchot, Maurice
[5 n. 15]
Bleeker, Maaike
Boccioni, Umberto
Boeckh, Friedrich August
Bolter, Jay
Boriani, Davide
[3 n. 3]
Borralho, Ana
Borsellino, Paolo
Boulez, Pierre
Bourriaud, Nicolas
Brancusi, Constantin
Brecht, Bertolt
Brecht, George
Briggs, Sydney
Bruguera, Tania
[3 n. 12]
Brzękowski, Jan
Burckhardt, Lucius
Burden, Chris
Buren, Daniel
[3 n. 4]
Burri, Alberto
Burroughs, William
Burrows, Jonathan
Byrne, Gerard
Caesar, Julius
Cage, John
Caillet, Aline
Calder, Alexander
Calvino, Italo
Carpo, Mario
[3 n. 12]
Castellani, Enrico
Castellucci, Romeo
Cavell, Stanley
[2 n. 16]
Celant, Germano
[2 n. 13]
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
Center for Historical Reenactments (CHR)
Chamberlain, John
Chambure, Alain de
Chambure, Guy de
Charmatz, Boris
Cixous, Hélène
[2 n. 15]
Clark, Lygia
Clinton, Hillary
Collingwood, R.G.
Colombo, Gianni
[5 n. 8]
Condorelli, Céline
Cook, Sarah
Crimp, Douglas
Cummings, E. E.
Davies, Stephen
De Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa
de Wette, Wilhelm
Debord, Guy
Deleuze, Gilles
[4 n. 14]
[8 n. 1]
Deller, Jeremy
Demand, Thomas
Depero, Fortunato
Derrida, Jacques
[2 n. 5]
[3 n. 15]
[7 n. 1]
Descartes, René
Devecchi, Gabriele
[4 n. 6]
[5 n. 8]
Diaz, Lara Garcia
[2 n. 13]
[5 n. 4]
Dickinson, Rod
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Doesburg, Theo van
Dorner, Alexander
Duchamp, Marcel
Ðukić, Sandro
Duncan, Carol
Duterte, Rodrigo
Eco, Umberto
Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
Eisenstein, Sergei
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emio Greco|PC
Enstice, Wayne
Enwezor, Okwui
[3 n. 25]
Esche, Charles
Falcone, Giovanni
Fanon, Frantz
[2 n. 40]
Farocki, Harun
[3 n. 10]
[4 n. 16]
Fast, Omer
Feldman, Allen
Feldman, Avi
Felton, Cornelius Conway
Ferreira, Gina
Figgis, Mike
Fiske, Tina
[3 n. 20]
Flavin, Dan
Flores, Patrick
Fontana, Lucio
Fornari, Davide
[2 n. 8]
Forsythe, William
Foucault, Michel
[5 n. 7]
[7 n. 14]
[8 n. 18]
Franco, Francisco
Franco, Marielle
Franssen, Diana
Fraser, Andrea
Freud, Sigmund
Fried, Michael
Frisch, Max
Fuchs, Rudi
Gabo, Naum
Galante, João
García Lorca, Federico
Gerstner, Karl
Giannachi, Gabriella
Gibbons, Scott
Gide, André
Gillick, Liam
Ginsberg, Allen
Ginzburg, Carlo
Goldberg, RoseLee
Goodman, Nelson
Graham, Billy
Grande, Cristina
Greenberg, Reesa
[2 n. 10]
Greene, Graham
Grimm, Herman
[2 n. 10]
Grimm, Wilhelm
Gropius Johansen, Ati
Gropius, Walter
Grupa Twożywo [Twożywo group]
Grusin, Richard
Gule, Khwezi
Hague, William
Hammerskjöld, Dag
Hantelmann, Dorothea von
Haraway, Donna
[2 n. 2]
Harman, Graham
Heeren, Ludwig
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heidegger, Martin
Heil, Axel
Heisenberg, Benjamin
Hélion, Jean
Hengel, Louis van den
Herder, Johann Gottfried
Hesse, Eva
Hirst, Damien
Hitchens, Christopher
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Holert, Tom
Holzhey, Christoph
[2 n. 22]
Hoover, Nan
Horstman, Fritz
Huszár, Vilmos
Ippolito, Jon
[2 n. 23]
[3 n. 1]
[7 n. 5]
Jabłońska, Elżbieta
Jaubert, Alain
Johnson, Philip
Johnson, Ray
Jones, Amelia
[5 n. 19]
Judd, Donald
Jullien, François
Kafka, Franz
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kant, Immanuel
Kaprow, Allan
Kashoggi, Adnan
Kierkegaard, Søren
Kirkegaard, Jacob
Klee, Paul
Kobro, Katarzyna
Koolhaas, Rem
Koons, Jeff
Krauss, Rosalind
Krenz, Igor
Kruk, Mariusz
Kubrick, Stanley
Kukama, Donna
[4 n. 22]
Kulik, Oleg
Kumalo, Alfred
[3 n. 36]
Kurka, Piotr
LaBelle, Brandon
Lambert-Beatty, Carrie
[2 n. 22]
Laplanche, Jean
Laurenson, Pip
[2 n. 5]
[6 n. 26]
Leach, Dawn
Lebel, Jean-Jacques
Leeb, Susanne
Lepecki, André
[2 n. 15]
Lissitzky, El
Loraux, Nicole
Loti, Pierre
Lucier, Alvin
Lütticken, Sven
[2 n. 2]
Lyotard, Jean-François
Madeira, Cláudia
Maderna, Bruno
Maeght, Adrien
Magritte, Renè
Malevich, Kazimir
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Mandela, Nelson
Manet, Édouard
Mangiacapre, Lina
Mangolte, Babette
Mannheim, Karl
Manovich, Lev
Manzoni, Piero
Marcos, Ferdinand
Marcos, Ferdinand Jr. (“Bongbong”)
Marcos, Imelda
Mari, Enzo
Marsh, James
[2 n. 7]
Marx, Karl
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Mbembe, Achille
Meillassoux, Quentin
[3 n. 4]
Meireles, Cildo
Melo e Castro, Ernesto Manuel Geraldes de
Mendieta, Ana
Miessen, Markus
[2 n. 2]
Milgram, Stanley
Minich, Marian
Molotch, Harvey
Monareng, Michelle
Mondrian, Piet
Monglond, André
Morelli, Giovanni
Morris, Robert
Moses, Anna Mary Robertson (“Grandma”)
Mota, Vera Sofia
Mroué, Rabih
Munari, Bruno
[2 n. 4]
Murakami, Saburō
Murakami, Takashi
Nauman, Bruce
Negreiros, Almada
Nemesiache (Le)
Ngcobo, Gabi
Nicolau, Ricardo
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nixon, Richard
Obrist, Hans Ulrich
Ohrt, Roberto
Ono, Yoko
Oppenheimer, Joshua
Paik, Nam June
Pais, Ana
Pane, Gina
Panofsky, Erwin
Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Patton, Robert Bridges
Pedro, Rocha
Pelmuş, Manuel
Pérec, Georges
Petzold, Christian
Pevsner, Nikolaus
Phelan, Peggy
Phillips, Joanna
Picasso, Pablo
Picture Generation
[2 n. 17]
[3 n. 18]
Pirici, Alexandra
Price, Cedrict
Przybos, Julian
Putin, Vladimir
Putt, Fransien van der
Quaranta, Domenico
Queneau, Raymond
Raad, Walid
Rainer, Yvonne
Rancière, Jacques
Ranke, Leopold von
Rau, Milo
Rauschenberg, Robert
Reagan, Ronald
Real, William A.
Rekveld, Joost
Rendell, Jane
[2 n. 12]
Rice, Condoleeza
Ricoeur, Paul
Ripley, George
[2 n. 7]
Roelstraete, Dieter
[2 n. 13]
Rogoff, Irit
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosenberg, Harold
Roth, Dieter
Rothschild, Edmond de
Rovisco, Vânia
Rumsfeld, Donald
Saaze, Vivian van
[2 n. 21]
[3 n. 22]
[4 n. 22]
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Schaerf, Eran
[2 n. 16]
Schanelec, Angela
Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Schleime, Cornelia
Schneemann, Carolee
Schneider, Rebecca
Scott, Walter
Sehgal, Tino
Seratoni, Azalea
[2 n. 8]
Serra, Richard
Settis, Salvatore
[2 n. 10]
[4 n. 25]
Shannon, Claude
Simondon, Gilbert
Skog, Susanne
Smith, Terry
Smith, Tony
Sosnowska, Monika
Soto, Jesús Rafael
Spielberg, Steven
Srnicek, Nick
[2 n. 4]
Stażewski, Henryk
Stella, Frank
Stella, Michael
Stjerna, Åsa
Stötzer, Gabriele
Strand, Liv
Strathern, Marilyn
Strzemiński, Władysław
[2 n. 12]
Stuart, Meg
Suchan, Jarosław
[2 n. 8]
[4 n. 11]
Swaraj, Sushma
Szeemann, Harald
Sztwiertnia, Grzegorz
Taeuber-Arp, Sophie
Takiguchi, Shuzo
Tatlin, Vladimir
Taylor, Diana
[2 n. 23]
Thatcher, Margaret
Tinguely, Jean
Turing, Alan
Tutu, Desmond
Twombly, Cy
Uecker, Günter
Utkin, Boleslaw
Vantongerloo, Georges
Varisco, Grazia
Vasarely, Victor
Vasulka, Steina
Vasulka, Woody
Velázquez, Diego
Wa Lehulere, Kemang
Wadsworth Jones, Frances
Wanderley, Lula
Warburg, Aby
Warhol, Andy
Weber, Samuel
Wedemeyer, Arnd
[2 n. 22]
Wharton, Glenn
Wijers, Gaby
Williams, Alex
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wittig, Monique
Wójcik, Julita
Wolf, Friedrich August
Wood, Catherine
Yozgat, Halit
Zweig, Stefan
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
© 2022 ICI Berlin Press