Cultural Inquiry

The series is dedicated to exploring how diverse cultures can be brought into fruitful rather than pernicious confrontation.

Taking culture in a deliberately broad sense that also includes different discourses and disciplines, it aims to open up spaces of inquiry, experimentation, and intervention. Its emphasis lies in critical reflection and in identifying and highlighting contemporary issues and concerns, even in publications with a historical orientation.

Following a decidedly cross-disciplinary approach, the series seeks to enact and provoke transfers among the humanities, the natural and social sciences, and the arts. The series includes a plurality of methodologies and approaches, binding them through the tension of mutual confrontation and negotiation rather than through homogenization or exclusion.

ICI Berlin Press continued in 2019 the series edited by Manuele Gragnolati and Christoph F. E. Holzhey, which began with Viennese publisher Turia + Kant in 2010  (print editions of the first fourteen volumes are still available through Turia + Kant).

A leaflet with the current catalogue can be downloaded here.

Book Series

ISSN (Print): 2627-728X
ISSN (Online): 2627-731X


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